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[Develop ToolsMATLAB-VC

Description: 这份资料主要讲解matlab与vc连接方面的知识,混合编程可以用到-this information mainly on Matlab vc connectivity with the knowledge, can be used in mixed programming
Platform: | Size: 56157 | Author: 徐敬 | Hits:


Description: 详细讲解MATLAB6.5 与VC 6.0之间的混合编程的方法和配置流程,非常全面.还包括一个具体的例子,供学习使用.
Platform: | Size: 182624 | Author: yxd402@126.com | Hits:

[DocumentsMatlab R2009b与MSVC 2008混合编程

Description: Matlab R2009b与MSVC 2008混合编程
Platform: | Size: 223872 | Author: which0_0 | Hits:


Description: 介绍了一种通过matlab提供的engine引擎及其类库实现Visual C++对matlab调用的方法,通过对二进制数据文件的数组转换,调用matlab对数据进行波形处理、频谱分析以及功率谱密度分析,同时提供一些图形处理工具以方便用户更方便的进行数据分析。
Platform: | Size: 108205 | Author: mattlee | Hits:

[Graph programfft绘图matlab实现

Description: 用matlab和vc++联合开发的能量图绘图程序-using Matlab and vc joint development of energy mapping procedure
Platform: | Size: 129024 | Author: 小青 | Hits:

[Graph programVC and Matlab

Description: 把matlab和VC联结的方法 给初学都一点启示 其实在VC里面用matlab也很简单而且有时候比用VC直接做程序会方便很多-put Matlab and VC linked to the Revelation 1:00 beginners are actually inside the VC used Matlab is also very simple and sometimes directly with VC than do many procedures will make it easier
Platform: | Size: 889856 | Author: 丁凌 | Hits:


Description: VC与Matlab混合编程文章.-VC and MatLab article.
Platform: | Size: 176128 | Author: 葛诚 | Hits:


Description: 用VC调用matlab的dll文件-VC call Matlab dll file
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 付少辉 | Hits:


Description: VC与Matlab接口在图像处理中的实现-VC and Matlab interface in the image processing to achieve
Platform: | Size: 201728 | Author: 丁俊 | Hits:


Description: 将一个m文件转成c /cpp文件并在VC中进行编译。这种方法有个烦人的地方,每次你都需要把matlab生成的一 大堆c和h文件考到vc中,比如我读入一副图片先做膨胀,再腐蚀,再进行小波变换,最后 显示。这样一个程序会生成大概150多个文件,每次都要拷贝这些文件很不方便。我试着用 了另外一种方法,可以简化这些工作。那就是不生成cpp文件交给VC去编译,而是直接在m atlab中生成一个dll交给VC去链接即可。这样无论matlab生成多少文件,都只需要拷贝三 个文件即可。 -m to a document conversion c/cpp files and compile VC. Such a method is a nagging place every time you need Matlab has generated a lot of c and h vc document examination, for example, I read a photo, first expansion, and corrosion, further wavelet transform, the last show. Such a procedure will probably generate more than 150 documents, each copy of these documents must be very inconvenient. I tried another kind of approach can simplify their work. It is not generating cpp documents to the VC to compile, but m atlab directly in the formation of a dll to the VC to link. No matter how many documents generated Matlab, only three need to copy documents.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 李震 | Hits:


Description: 如何在VC中利用matlab的资源呢? 在这里我简要的以一个简单的例子来说明一下如果在VC中调用matlab中定义的.m文件。-how to use Matlab resources? Here, I briefly with a simple example to illustrate what if the VC called defined in Matlab. M documents.
Platform: | Size: 40960 | Author: 葛强 | Hits:


Description: 它介绍了Matlab与vc混合编成的详细说明,还给出了具体例子。-it introduced the Matlab and vc mixed into the detailed descriptions, we also give specific examples.
Platform: | Size: 532480 | Author: 黄勇 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopVC调用matlab图像处理工具箱进行canny边缘检测

Description: VC调用matlab图像处理工具箱进行canny边缘检测,含pdf教程-edge detection by VC calling matlab image toolbox, pdf tutorial included.
Platform: | Size: 193536 | Author: 沈郑燕 | Hits:


Description: 介绍了一种将Matlab编译成可执行程序的一种方法,它使得Matlab编写的程序能够完全脱离Matlab这个环境来执行,从而大大提高了程序的应用范围和使用价值。-introduces a Matlab compiled executable in a way that allows programs written Matlab can be completely out of the Matlab environment to implementation, thus greatly improving the procedures for the application and usefulness.
Platform: | Size: 369664 | Author: jackieluo | Hits:

[Windows Develop(用)VC调用matlab engine示例

Description: 这是教你如何在VC里调用matlab的文档和源程序-The document and source code to tell you how to load matlab engine using VC.
Platform: | Size: 2023424 | Author: 安秋 | Hits:


Description: 详细介绍了VC环境下调用MATLAB过程,是一本不错的参考书.-details of VC environment MATLAB process is a good reference book.
Platform: | Size: 281600 | Author: aaa | Hits:


Description: 这份资料主要讲解matlab与vc连接方面的知识,混合编程可以用到-this information mainly on Matlab vc connectivity with the knowledge, can be used in mixed programming
Platform: | Size: 56320 | Author: 徐敬 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringmatlab-vc-matlab

Description: 几篇matlab和vc混合编程的文章合集,如有使用混合编程的,可以作为参考-few Matlab and vc mixed programming Collection of articles, if the use of the mixed programming, it can serve as a reference
Platform: | Size: 1240064 | Author: 李辙 | Hits:


Description: 介绍了用vc++调用matlab引擎库函数的方法,利用这种方法在应用软件开发过程中既能发挥vc++强大的界面开发功能,又充分利用了matlab的复杂运算和处理能力,并把这一技术应用于神经网络程序的设计,取得了很好的效果。-Introduction by vc++ Call matlab engine library function, using this method in the application of the software development process can play vc++ Powerful interface development function, matlab full advantage of the complexity of computing and processing capability, and the technology used in neural network design process, and achieved very good results.
Platform: | Size: 86016 | Author: luhui | Hits:


Description: 程序以正弦函数为例,实现了matlb和vc的混合编程。-Procedures to sine function, for example, achieved a mix of programming matlb and vc.
Platform: | Size: 1985536 | Author: ligan | Hits:
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